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Karina 发布时间:2023-06-21 22:59:28



释义一、naps n. 午睡;小睡;


He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell.(他午睡时被门铃吵醒。)

My grandfather naps in his armchair.(我祖父在扶手椅子上小睡。)


释义二、naps n.绒毛;


The nap of the coat has been worn off.(外衣上的绒毛已经被磨掉了。)


释义三、naps vi. 打盹;打瞌睡;


The old man napped on the porch.(那位老人在走廊上打盹儿。)

Edison did not sleep very much, but he took naps. (爱迪生睡觉睡得不多,但他常打瞌睡。)


释义四、naps vi.猝不及防;毫无准备;


The police were caught napping when the bank was robbed.(银行遭抢劫的时候,警察毫无准备。)


naps 缩写释义


National Association of Parliamentarians —— 全国国会议员协会;

National Association of Postmasters —— 全国邮政局长协会;

National Association of Publishers —— 全国出版商协会;

Network Access Point —— 网络接入点;

north atlantic publishing system —— 北亚特兰大出版系统;

nissan anti pollution system —— 日产汽车排气净化系统。























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